Thursday, December 17, 2009

World War One Soldiers In The Trenches

The trenches were horrible during WWI I absolutely hated them.Most of my allies havesuffered from trenchfoot, if not that they got shot a couple of times.I had gotten proper boots so i did not get trench foot luckily.I wish i was back in Canada at the time where i didnt have to sleep under bombs and gunfire,almost every night someone would come in bleeding from being shot and drop dead on the groundwhile i was sleeping.Trench raids were probably the worst of it because as soon as youpopped your head out there was a big chance of you being shot from enemies.The machineguns did not help us succeed in the raids especialy when they were hidden underground.The trenches really sucked!The trench knives were evil if an enemy got you unguarded he would likely stab you and wait till you died.The shovel wasnt as painful because you didnt live very long taking a shovel to the head.Thank god the Germans dont listen so they failed with the Shlieffen plan so they went into France to early and started a trench war.

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